
- Organizations - Vóleibol playa

# Organizations Total
1 Chile 1 0 1 2
1 Brazil 1 0 1 2
3 Paraguay 0 1 0 1
3 Argentina 0 1 0 1


Beach Volleyball

August 11, 2021

Unlike floor volleyball, this sport is played outdoors, with teams of two players which are called a duo. These players carry incredible response skills, through balance, rhythm and reaction to the play with physical gestures, techniques and tactics.

Games are developed to the best of three sets, and the team who gets to 21 points first wins. However, if one of the teams wins a set, and therefore, are tied, the final victory will be for the team who manages to get to 15 points in the third set (final).

It is necessary for a team to be two points ahead to win any set. For example, if the score in the final set is 14-14, they need to get to 16-14 or 14-16 to finish the game.

As the wind, the sun, or the rain can affect the game, both negatively and positively, the teams change sides when the sum of the scoreboard of the two teams gets to any multiple of seven (of five in the final set).

Unlike the floor variant, since the teams are only formed by two players, there is much more space in the game field. Generally, in the game strategy the player behind is the one giving tactical instructions to the one on front.


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