
eSports are competitions that take place in the world of video games.

October 03, 2022

eSports are competitions that take place in the world of video games and are gaining more and more ground among young people and people of all ages.

This year the first competitions were organized by the Global eSport Federation at the XII SOUTH AMERICAN GAMES ASUNCION 2022 held in Paraguay, where the President of ODESUR and IOC member Mr. Camilo Perez Lopez Moreira, the CEO of the Global eSport Federation Mr. Paul Foster, the President of the Pan American eSport Federation Mr. Mario Cilenti and the vice director Melita Moore were present at an emotional opening of activities.
During two exciting days we lived the vibrant competitions of the eFootball game in the Female and Male modalities, with professional players of the Gamer environment from all Latin America who represented their respective countries.
In addition, after the end of the competition, Global Esport Federation invites Gamers from all over the country to live the Video Games experience from Tuesday October 4th to Friday October 14th where visitors can play different games such as Fornite, Rocket League, Fall Guys, Rally Simulators, F1 and Virtual Reality; within the space located in the eSports Fan Fest at the Paraguayan Olympic Committee.

Tirika, our number one athlete, took advantage of the day to visit the space and have fun with his favorite game. 

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August 08, 2022

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