
- Organizations - Hockey

# Organizations Total
1 Chile 1 1 0 2
1 Argentina 1 1 0 2
3 Brazil 0 0 1 1
3 Uruguay 0 0 1 1


Field Hockey

June 15, 2021
The hockey players use long sticks to make a hard ball advance towards the rival's goal. The matches are played in four quarters of 15 minutes (60 minutes total) with rests of two minutes between the first and fourth time; one of 5 minutes between the second and third, after which the one with the most goals wins.

Each team is formed by forwarders, midfielders and defenders, plus a goalkeeper, and all wished substitutions are allowed. Other than the goalkeeper, the rest of the players are not allowed to touch the hockey ball with the hands or the feet. However, they control the hockey ball, which is more or less the size of a baseball ball, but slightly lighter, using the flat side of their sticks.

A hockey field is about 91,4 meters long and 55 meters wide, with goals on each far side. Each goal is surrounded by a D-Shaped throwing semicircle. The goals can only be scored from the inside of the adversary’s throwing circle.

Hockey demands speed, resistance and great hand-eye coordination. This sport is played between teams of 11 people each in a field outdoors.

In the event that the match ends in a tie, there will be a penalty shootout, the best of 5 rounds, plus sudden death rounds in case of a tie.


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