
- Organizations - Soccer

# Organizations Total
1 Venezuela 1 0 0 1
1 Paraguay 1 0 0 1
3 Uruguay 0 1 0 1
3 Ecuador 0 1 0 1
5 Colombia 0 0 2 2



June 15, 2021
In football, two teams of 11 players compete to score goals by making the ball go to the rival's goal. Since all that is needed to play is a ball, this sport is enjoyed all over the world in every continent.

The objective of football is to score more goals than the rival, as simple and widely known. The teams compete in two times of 45 minutes, extra times and penalties are used to decide the winner if the match is tied at the end of the game.

In football it is ruled the use of a goalkeeper as the only one of the eleven players in the team that has the privilege of touching or holding the ball with the hands.

To assure the victory of the team, players need speed, strength, and resistance, as well as skills with the ball and the capacity to play with the team. The referee will pay attention to the infractions of the rules. Fouls can result in a yellow card, although getting a second yellow card means receiving the red card, which is a straight expulsion.

The players also can get direct red cards by serious fouls, which leave the opposing team with the advantage of playing with one more player in the field.

When a team commits an infraction, the other team receives a free kick. If the foul occurs inside the area, the team will have to face a penalty.


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